Disclaimer: Views in this blog do not promote, and are not directly connected to any L&G product or service. Views are from a range of L&G investment professionals, may be specific to an author’s particular investment region or desk, and do not necessarily reflect the views of L&G. For investment professionals only.
Defined Contribution (DC)

Spending retirement savings – buy now, pay later?
Based on current spending rates, many retirees could be set to empty their DC retirement savings account by their late 70s – leaving nine years... 
Podcast: The view from the top – a long-term look at private markets
This week on LGIM Talks, the cameras are rolling as we sit down for a special video edition of the podcast. 
When cashing out may not mean coining it in
Can withdrawing a cash lump sum from your pension expose you to unexpected tax bills or losing access to benefits? Our latest research examines this... 
Expected returns: boosting our binoculars
How should investors capture the shape of returns when making long-term return estimates across different asset classes? 
Are private market investments a risky business for DC pension savers?
As the pensions industry edges forward in incorporating private market assets into DC investment portfolios, we at Legal & General wanted to check in with... 
An affordable home is where the heart is for most DC pension savers
We believe using defined contribution (DC) pension fund investments to help tackle the UK’s housing shortage could be the way to the hearts of retirement... 
Access all areas?
Private markets and the public: What do DC pension savers think? 
Podcast: Master trust matters with Robert Waugh, Chair of Trustees of the Legal & General Mastertrust
The independent chair of the Legal & General Mastertrust’s board of trustees and our Head of Mastertrust & IGC review the past year and consider... 
Mind the risk: The value of valuations
We believe changes in risk should be considered alongside changes in return when tilting portfolios through time, as they can have a surprisingly large impact... 
Could investing in areas like robotics and cyber-security make pensions cool?
I suspect I know what you’re thinking: pensions won’t ever be cool and that’s that. But what if they were invested in areas of science... Recommended content for you
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