Disclaimer: Views in this blog do not promote, and are not directly connected to any L&G product or service. Views are from a range of L&G investment professionals, may be specific to an author’s particular investment region or desk, and do not necessarily reflect the views of L&G. For investment professionals only.

23 Sep 2016
2 min read

Asset allocation blogging - The coolest job available?

Some of you have received my thoughts on markets for many years by email and you could say that it's probably time to upgrade to something more suited to the digital age…


My Macro Matters publication started at LGIM as a way to share my views on markets and macro topics in a more informal way. Some of you have received my thoughts on markets for many years (in a previous incarnation they were ‘Morning Notes’) and quite a few of you engage with me regularly to discuss and challenge the views expressed in Macro Matters (while fitting in a bit of banter).

In the last few years a few things have happened. First, in the spirit of healthy banter (I assume), I have been told on a fairly regular basis by my team that my way of communication, through emails, is not really of this age anymore. Second, the number of client requests for regular updates started to increase substantially, because of market events such as Brexit. Lastly, I realised that my team mates have interesting views that they’re also willing to share with Macro Matters readers.

And just like that, the idea for the Macro Matters blog was born!

A daily paper I glanced at on the way to work recently mentioned blogging as being the coolest job available (admittedly for people under 25). While we don’t plan to become professional bloggers – investing for our clients remains our first love and priority – we are eager to engage in lively, open and timely debate with our clients and friends who appreciate the views of LGIM’s Asset Allocation team.

So it is with great pleasure that we share our multi-asset insights with you as they evolve in real time.

If you like what you see, remember to subscribe or follow us on Twitter (@LGIMacromatters) to receive updates on the latest posts from the team.

We look forward to keeping you informed.

P.S. In case you're wondering, that's not my desk!


Emiel van den Heiligenberg

Head of Asset Allocation

Emiel is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the team’s investment and business strategy. He claims to have been a promising lightweight rower at…

More about Emiel

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